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Fantasy Images Gallery
Animation · Characters · Fantasy · Other Stuff

Warning: Some of the 3D models in this gallery are depicted nude. If this offends you, or is illegal for you to view, leave now.

The images here are free for personal use. Any commercial use requires permission.

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Chayne and Hemlock duke it out under a full moon
Chayne and Hemlock
Chayne Looks a bit P.O.'d The background is a "Greeble" prop, a freebie. This uses the Mesh Mantle, Panties, Boots and ForeArm Bands. Oh, and the Zapper!
Chayne II
Chayne Lynx, the Super Heroine protectorate of all mesh wearing citizens. This image features the Mesh Teddy, Arm Bands and Boots.
Bulls Eye
A Maiden in need of rescuing... The Mesh Corset, Arm Bands and Boots.
This is the first image with the new Chain Mesh Bra for Victoria 2.
This image also features a new transparency map for the Nerd Curls. Available on the Curls Goodies Page.
Strawberry Chain
Nika by the Fire, Check out the extreme pose and the wild hair do.
Nika by the fire
Dreamspinner working her magic. Surrounded by a cloud of dream mist she prepares to throw a spell that will bring dreams to life.
Moon and stars post in Photoshop. The rest is pure poser, yes even the fog. The fog prop is available in the Nerd's Store.
DreamSpinner Casts a Spell.JPG
A witch glides infront of a golden harvest moon floating above whispy clouds.
The dress in the Nimue Short Skirt and Blouse. Check out the fog effects here. The fog is pure poser. The only post render work was to add the stars. The fog prop is available in the Nerd's Store
Witch Ride.JPG
Nimue lends Chayne and Morgana a hand. I don't know what they are fighting, but I'll bet they'll be sorry when Nimue lets go of that spell! All Poser except for Glow effect and Lens Flare done in Photoshop.
Water Hole 12
It's been nearly a year since the last time I visited my Forest Water Hole. This time we find the Nimue, The Lady of the Lake with Arthur. She has chosen him to be her champion and will give him Excalibur.
Glow effect and water ripples done in Photo Shop. Knight is from PhilC's store. Nimue Costume available in My Store
Some of the Impractical Armor in action. What do ya wanna bet something bad happens when she grabs that statue?
Post on the ground fog and fire. Otherwise just Poser
Tunnel Scene 02
Fish Tank 3
The Mermaid theme revisited. Pure Poser.
Fish Tank 3
Fish Tank

Pure poser not even any touchups. It is one of my first and still a favorite.
Fish Tank

Lion Queen
I was listening to an old Toto song when I got this idea. "Kilimanjaro rises like Olympus above the Serengeti... " Big Face Lion from Bloodsong. I re-worked the texture a bit. A little post on the Lion's Maine.
Queen of the Lions
Water Hole No 5

Another scene at the Water Hole. Same Info as No3
Water Hole #5


What would you do if some mythological creature came strolling out of the woods? All Poser. The fire got a little touchup.
Forest Encounter

I've spent a lot of time creating warrior chick armor. It's high time I put some of it to use. Taarna and Chayne have a little problem here. Pure poser, no retouch.
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